Community Partners

Are you passionate about sustainability and ready to make a real difference? 博彩平台推荐的环境研究系正在寻找当地和全球的社区合作伙伴,共同致力于有影响力的环境项目. By collaborating with our students and faculty, 您将参与创新研究和实践活动,以解决当今最紧迫的环境挑战. 让博彩平台推荐共同努力,创造可持续的解决方案,造福博彩平台推荐的社区和地球. 探索与博彩平台推荐的合作机会,并对环境产生持久的影响.


Masters of the Environment (MENV) Graduate Program

MENV is an interdisciplinary, 两年制专业研究生学位,为学生在环境和可持续发展领域的广泛职业提供装备.

MENV学生专注于以下五个方向之一的学习:环境和自然资源政策, Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Sustainability in the Outdoor Industry, Sustainable Food Systems, and Urban Resilience and Sustainability (URS).

As a professional graduate program, MENV engages heavily with external partners across the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Program Opportunities

Capstone项目将学生组成的小团队(通常每个团队有3-4名研究生)与合作伙伴组织在一个为期11个月的项目(1月中旬至12月初)中解决现实环境问题, sustainability and business challenges. In many instances, MENV的研究生担任外部顾问,帮助合作伙伴回答他们博彩app推荐业务的问题,或探索组织没有时间或资源独自完成的领域. Ultimately, the projects result in the production of professional-level, valuable products/services for client organizations, including management plans (and other planning documents), public awareness and advocacy campaigns, product proposals, proofs of concept, product and program prototypes and other relevant work products.

You can learn more about the Capstone Project: What is a Capstone Project? | Masters of the Environment | University of Colorado Boulder

Here is a Capstone Partner guide: 2025 Capstone Partner Quick Facts (

For more instructions on how to submit a proposal and what it should include, here are two useful resources:


农村技术援助计划(RTAP)是环境硕士(MENV)计划与联合国环境规划署的合作项目 Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry OfficeCSU Extension, and the US EPA’s Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (RERC) program 为科罗拉多州农村社区提供户外娱乐和主要街道发展的规划援助.  研究生团队扮演社区顾问的角色,带领他们的合作社区通过一个便利的规划援助过程,制定未来12-24个月的社区行动计划. 然后,CSU扩展在随后的2年期间提供支持,以协助合作社区实施社区行动计划.

To learn more about the RTAP and for application instructions, visit: OREC农村技术援助项目|科罗拉多州经济发展和国际贸易办公室


B影响诊所是一个春季学期的课程,由3-5名研究生组成的团队,每个团队支持一家寻求B企业认证或重新认证的当地公司. 该课程为研究生提供了一个独特的机会来建立现实世界的可持续发展评估, consulting, 并具有项目管理经验,同时为客户公司提供重要价值. Through project-based learning, students gain practical skills, expand their professional networks, and deepen their understanding of the B Corp movement.

每年秋天都会选出4家考虑获得B企业认证或再认证的本地企业. 合作伙伴代表了广泛的行业,包括小型,中型和大型公司. 重要的是,客户公司及其团队有能力在整个学期中每周与学生团队会面一小时,并每周额外花大约一小时收集认证过程所需的文件和数据.

The project kicks off in late January and wraps up the first week in May. 一旦成立,每个咨询团队将制定团队合同和工作范围. 然后,团队将通过B影响评估评估公司当前的实践,并提供分数改进建议,以使客户更接近获得B企业认证.

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact Maria McDonald at 


Outdoor Recreation Economy (ORE) Graduate Program

ORE是一门跨学科的应用专业研究生课程,旨在培养学生的创造力, thoughtful leaders across the outdoor recreation sector. ORE学生将学习重点放在以下五个证书中的一个或三个上, Public Lands and Natural Resources Policy, Building Resilient Communities through the Outdoor Recreation, Leading a Sustainable Business in the ORE, and Inclusivity and Belonging in the ORE.

As a professional graduate program, ORE engages heavily with external partners across the public, private, and non-profit sectors.

Program Opportunities


ORE学生将利用以前课程中的技能和知识来分析突出问题, current policy, business, community development, 或在户外休闲经济空间的包容性挑战,以解决合作伙伴组织的需求. In many instances, ORE研究生担任外部顾问,帮助来自户外行业各个部门的合作伙伴进行分析, research, develop and implement innovative strategies, processes, and/or solutions.

Ultimately, the projects result in the production of professional-level, valuable products/services for client organizations, including management plans (and other planning documents), public awareness and advocacy campaigns, product proposals, proofs of concept, product and program prototypes and other relevant work products.

7 week projects run across the academic year (spring, 夏季和秋季),而16周的项目是在秋季学期(8月底至12月中旬)。. If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact 


Environmental Studies Undergraduate Major

环境研究本科专业的重点是通过整合对人与环境相互作用的科学理解的课程,在环境变化的多个维度上严格训练学生, practical responses to environmental problems, and the values that shape our decisions and behavior.

Program Opportunities

The Environmental Studies Internship Program 寻求合作伙伴,使学生获得实践经验,在一个组织的专业水平的工作, government agency, research lab, planning group, an advocacy organization, or other group that solves problems and develops policies. See example partners on our Internship Postings Page.

How to host an ENVS intern at your organization

  • 把你的实习经历发给ENVS的赞助人Warren Cook (, who will share it with interested students.
    • Design your internship as 120 work hours (e.g., ~8 hrs/week for a Fall/Spring Semesters or ~12 hrs/week for a Summer Semester), which is most commonly sought by ENVS interns to earn 3 credits. (40 hr and 80 hr internships are possible but less common.)
    • Advertise well in advance of the intended semester for best results.

After your interview process, complete the Internship Agreement Form with your chosen internship candidate. 你的候选人稍后会和你分享另一份表格来评估他们的表现.