By , Published: March 26, 2024

Imagine a day when joints could heal themselves.

At the first inkling of a creaky knee, 患者只需在关节内注射一针,就能阻止软骨和骨骼的侵蚀, but kick start its regrowth. In more advanced cases, 这种注射也可能提供一种生物材料修复工具来修补组织上的洞. If multiple joints ached, 每年一次的静脉输注可以一次将再生疗法传递给所有人.

This may seem like a dream to the 32.5 million people who suffer from osteoarthritis. This week, 美国卫生高级研究计划局(ARPA-H)向博彩平台推荐领导的一个科学家团队提供了高达3900万美元的资金,以使其成为现实. 

The 骨关节炎组织再生的新发明(NITRO) program was the first created under ARPA-H, 成立一个新的联邦机构,支持“对社会最具挑战性的健康问题提供高影响力的解决方案”.” 

With the cash infusion, a dream team of engineers, medical scientists and veterinarians from CU Boulder, 科罗拉多大学安舒茨医学院和科罗拉多州立大学可以为实现许多人整个职业生涯都在追求的目标做出最后的努力. 

“Within five years, 博彩平台推荐的目标是开发一套可以治疗骨关节炎的非侵入性疗法,” said project leader and Principal Investigator Stephanie Bryant, PhD, 化学与生物工程系教授, Materials Science and Engineering, and the BioFrontiers Institute at CU Boulder. “It could be an absolute game-changer for patients.”

An epidemic without a cure

Osteoarthritis is the third most common disease in the U.S. and affects roughly one in six people over age 30 worldwide.

这种疾病会导致软骨(防止骨骼相互摩擦的缓冲组织)腐烂. 随着时间的推移,骨骼也会受损,从而重塑关节,导致运动变得疼痛. 

年龄和肥胖增加了患病的风险,而且随着美国的经济增长,患病的几率也在上升.S. population ages and grows more sedentary. At present, patients are generally limited to two options: Treat the pain and, when that is no longer adequate, surgically replace the joint. There is no cure.

Drs. Payne and Zuscik at the Anschutz Medical Campus

Co-Principal Investigators Michael Zuscik, PhD, 骨科系教授兼研究副主席Karin Payne, PhD, CU Anschutz骨科副教授(图片来源:Ryan Wuller/CU Anschutz)

Laurie Goodrich with a horse

Co-Principal Investigator Laurie Goodrich, DVM PhD, 科罗拉多州立大学转化医学研究所兽医临床科学家和骨科研究中心主任(图片由Goodrich提供)

“To truly address osteoarthritis, you have to get at both the biology and the structural problem,” said co-Principal Investigator Michael Zuscik, PhD, 安舒茨医学院骨科系教授兼研究副主任. “博彩平台推荐组建的这支独特的科罗拉多梦之队拥有多学科的专业知识, and now the resources, to tackle both at once. We can approach curing the disease like never before.”

Zuscik花了15年的时间开发和测试一种针对生物学的药物, 推动软骨细胞和骨细胞产生重建所需的蛋白质. While promising, it must be injected every day.

Meantime, Bryant, a materials scientist, 已经研究了26年的三维凝胶状生物材料,这种材料可以滑入撕裂的软骨或磨损的骨头的裂缝中, 提供支持性的支架——就像新建筑的托梁——供人体自身细胞迁移.


该团队现在面临着一个工程挑战——设计出将这些技术同时应用于人体的方法, 以一种提供持久益处的方式,如果需要的话,可以一次治疗多个关节.

A one-shot medical breakthrough

To that end, 该团队正在开发可以静脉注射的纳米颗粒, 就像特洛伊木马一样,迁移到发炎的部位,并提供一种再生药物鸡尾酒,使关节愈合.

该团队希望最终将三项创新商业化:一是治疗注射, an injury-patching hydrogel, and an annual infusion for systemically treating osteoarthritis. 

When it’s time for trials, co-Principal Investigator Laurie Goodrich, DVM PhD, 兽医临床科学家兼科罗拉多州立大学转化医学研究所骨科研究中心主任, will lead the charge in animals. 

“科罗拉多州立大学在兽医方面的专业知识将在帮助将这一科学推向下一步方面发挥至关重要的作用,” said Goodrich. “It’s humbling to be a part of it.”

However, it’s not enough to simply develop such treatments, said Co-Principal Investigator Karin Payne, PhD, associate professor of orthopedics at CU Anschutz.

“At the core of this, 博彩平台推荐的目标是开发一种所有美国人都能使用的治疗方法, not just a privileged few,” Payne said, 注意到研究人员将包括一个人口统计学上不同的研究参与者群体,并最大限度地降低成本,使治疗尽可能负担得起.

Early collaborations between team members were catalyzed by AB Nexus, 为博彩平台推荐和安舒茨分校之间的合作提供内部资金和资源.


“这是最使人衰弱的疾病之一,导致人们无法工作或做他们喜欢的事情,” Bryant said. 由此导致的缺乏锻炼增加了患心脏病等其他疾病的风险. 博彩平台推荐有机会改善人们的生活,这是一生难得的机会.”