By Published: July 11, 2024

横幅图片:查宁·塔图姆和雷·罗马诺在《博彩app推荐》中." (Credit: Sony Pictures)

Romcom lovers rejoice: This week, 在电影《博彩app推荐》中,影迷们可以看到查宁·塔图姆和斯嘉丽·约翰逊之间的火花,这是一门以阿波罗太空计划为背景的化学课. 这部电影将于周四在影院上映,并于今年晚些时候在Apple TV+上上映.

For Rick Stevens, a CU Boulder media scholar who studies, among other topics, pop culture and the challenges of communicating about science, the movie is ripe for discussion. “Fly Me to the Moon” pits Tatum, a fictional and buttoned-down NASA director in the 1960s, against Johansson, a PR maven who’s been hired to “sell the moon.它还取笑了几十年来围绕美国宇航局的阴谋论——其中一个次要情节是约翰逊试图拍摄一场假的登月, just in case the real one doesn’t work out.

Stevens, an associate professor in the Department of Media Studies and self-described science and science fiction fan, 我在丹佛看了《博彩app推荐》的预演. 他给出了自己对这部他称之为“非常紧张”的爆米花电影的看法,以及为什么围绕假登月的阴谋论在50多年后仍然存在. 


The film is very effective, first of all, at returning the viewer to the heightened anxiety of that time. Today, we forget how much anxiety there was around the Cold War, around the Nixon administration around the Vietnam War, the counterculture movement, Civil Rights Movement, all of that. 

It also captures the excitement of that time. 每次你看到阿特拉斯火箭升空,整个剧院都会震动.


它做得很好,让文化对话在地面上思考这个双重框架,NASA是一个专门的组织, of course, 敬科学,让人们进入他们从未去过的环境. 

At the same time, NASA不得不聘请公关公司,试图让公众了解科学,并对科学感到兴奋. 对于一些角色来说,他们的工作是“推销月亮”:为什么阿波罗很重要? Why should we be excited?

How do the science-type characters react to that?

You see the resistance. 这就是这部电影的最终主题——围绕着工程师的紧张气氛,他们想当然地认为自己的任务会被认为是好的, and not liking the way their realities were being spun. 教会和国家在公共和私营部门之间的分离在整部电影中被讨论了很多. But NASA embraces that PR dark side, as it were, over and over. It’s wonderfully tense.

Let’s get to conspiracy theories. Where did the idea that the moon landing was faked come from?

That conspiracy theory comes about mainly in the early ’70s. 社会学家理查德·斯洛特金(Richard Slotkin)谈到了那个时代政治的“偏执风格”. It’s after Watergate, 在五角大楼文件和所有这些揭露之后, the government and even, at times, 媒体成员对事件的描述未必准确. It creates a space for conspiracy theories to flourish. 

Man wearing lanyard stands next to C-3PO

Rick Stevens at the Denver Fan Expo in 2024. (Credit: Rick Stevens)

Why does this conspiracy theory have such staying power?

我研究的一部分是思考那些对系统产生巨大冲击的时刻. The moon landing, the Challenger disaster, 911事件都是博彩平台推荐日常生活被打乱的事件, and it leaves people searching for meaning. 

媒体并不是为了给人们提供安慰和意义而设计的. 他们试图根据书面陈述和图像来记录事件. 这些逻辑之间的差异为某些人创造了肥沃的土壤,他们有理由不信任机构,从而编造各种异想天开的理论.


我想当这部电影在影院和Apple TV+上上映时,人们会在谷歌上搜索“这部电影是真的吗??” are going to trend. There was a little part of me that thought, going into the theater, “Am I okay with Apple putting it out there as a possibility?但每年都有5%到10%的美国人认为登月是假的. 而且这还没有任何证据,NASA也没有给出任何确认.


影片中的人物竭尽全力在摄影棚中再现月球. 这让这样的事情看起来不太可能真的发生过, especially without someone noticing. 我认为避开这个空间比进入更有害, exploring it, having a little fun with it, 然后指出,认为登月可能是伪造的想法是荒谬的. 


这部电影通过对话和人物互动展示了NASA被抓住了. 它陷入了它不想做的公关和尼克松政府及其目标的困境. NASA成为了“博彩平台推荐要解决这个问题”的终极力量, which is really a strong pro-science statement.

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